
  1. When did you join Hodges?

I joined the Hodges team in March 2013 as an Assistant Department Manager.

  1. Which branch of Hodges do you work for? 

I work for the St Kilda branch located at 168 Carlisle Street, St Kilda.

  1. What do you like most about your job?

There are various reasons why I love my role as Department Manager with Hodges St Kilda.  Firstly I have been in the real estate industry for over seven years and have enjoyed my time managing properties and dealing with landlords and tenants. As a manager I enjoy assisting staff using my knowledge, experience and training so that they can become the best property managers in their roles. I love being a part of a growing business. I feel I am a driving force behind its success and am determined that our company will be the best real estate company in St Kilda.

  1. What’s a great piece of real estate advice you could share? 

Building relationships is the key to being a successful property manager. Being truthful and always delivering on your promises is vital in building relationships and managing properties. Becoming a great property manager involves clear communication and an ability to understand both sides of being a landlord and a tenant.

  1. What do you do when you’re not at work?

I enjoy spending time with my husband, going for walks along the beach with our dog, renovating our home, getting out in the garden and socialising with family and friends.

  1. What public personality/celebrity have you been likened to and why?

This is a hard question, but I can personally relate to Sally Pearson, Australian champion hurdler. Sally at a young age set out to be the best she could be in her sport and after overcoming a few disappointments and challenges in her career she stayed positive and became a champion! I feel I can relate to Sally as I am young, determined and have made certain sacrifices to become the best I can be. I am proud of where I am today and can say that hard work definitely pays off.

  1. If a reality program was made on your life, what would it be called?

Jen Moyle – Switching Hats